
Monday, August 20, 2012

Bernard-Henri Levy: Stop Assad’s Slaughter in Syria! - Newsweek and The Daily Beast

End the Syria Slaughter Now!

In a personal plea, French philosopher Bernard-Henri Lévy argues that it’s time for the world to drop its excuses, follow the Libyan example, and act to end Syria's war.

The Syrian tragedy—the irrevocable madness that has taken hold of Bashar al-Assad, the unending agony of Syria’s civilians targeted by his guns—raises all sorts of questions that the heat of summer must not prevent us from asking. After all, dictators don’t take vacations.
Intervening would end a war against civilians that has already cost more than 20,000 lives. (Adam Dean / Panos Pictures)

FOR THE FULL ARTICLE CLICK HERE: Bernard-Henri Levy: Stop Assad’s Slaughter in Syria! - Newsweek and The Daily Beast

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