"Cole’s reputation as a self-described “left” stems from his role as a limited critic of the Bush administration’s phony pretexts for the war against Iraq. Once it was launched, however, he supported the US invasion, describing it as “worth the sacrifices”—now amounting to some one million Iraqi lives—to rid the world of Saddam Hussein. Similarly, at the outset of the current war against Libya, Cole declared that “if it succeeds in getting rid of Qaddafi’s murderous regime and allowing Libyans to have a normal life, it will be worth the sacrifices in life and treasure.” He added, “If NATO needs me, I’m there.” (http://www.wsws.org/articles/2011/oct2011/cole-o25.shtml)
"Cole’s reputation as a self-described “left” stems from his role as a limited critic of the Bush administration’s phony pretexts for the war against Iraq. Once it was launched, however, he supported the US invasion, describing it as “worth the sacrifices”—now amounting to some one million Iraqi lives—to rid the world of Saddam Hussein. Similarly, at the outset of the current war against Libya, Cole declared that “if it succeeds in getting rid of Qaddafi’s murderous regime and allowing Libyans to have a normal life, it will be worth the sacrifices in life and treasure.” He added, “If NATO needs me, I’m there.” (http://www.wsws.org/articles/2011/oct2011/cole-o25.shtml)